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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Execute sql script in OAF

// Required import packages
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OADBTransaction;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAApplicationModuleImpl;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean;   
import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;

    Connection conn = paramOAPageContext.getApplicationModule(paramOAWebBean).getOADBTransaction().getJdbcConnection();

    String Query ="SELECT empId resultId,empName resultName,empPosition resultPos from XXXXX_TABLE WHERE DeptId=:1";
    PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(Query);               

    stmt.setInt(1, departmentId);                                       

    for (ResultSet resultset = stmt.executeQuery();; )
        int employeeId = resultset.getInt("resultId");
        String employeeName  = resultset.getstring("resultName");
        String employeePosition = resultset.getString("resultPos");

   }catch(SQLException sqle)
       throw new OAException("Exception Block"+sqle);

PL/SQL Program unit call from OAF

Writing bigger program logic in controller will be bit complex, To resolve such cases write logic in PL/SQL program units and invoke this from OAF pages.In next lines I am writing the code to call pl/sql in oaf pages.

// Required import packages
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OADBTransaction;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAApplicationModuleImpl;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean;   
import oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement;
import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;

OAApplicationModule localOAApplicationModule = paramOAPageContext.getApplicationModule(paramOAWebBean);
OADBTransaction oadbtransaction =
String callSQLPackage = "begin XXXXX_CUSTOM_PACKAGE.XXXXX_CUSTOM_PROCEDURE(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5);" + " end;";
oraclecallablestatement = (OracleCallableStatement)oadbtransaction.createCallableStatement(callSQLPackage,1);
      // Set IN Parameters               
      // Set OUT Parameters
      // Extract the OUT parameter value
    int out1Param = oraclecallablestatement.getInt(3); 
    int out2Param = oraclecallablestatement.getInt(4);
    String out3Param = oraclecallablestatement.getString(5);
 }catch(SQLException sqle)
    throw new OAException("Exception Block"+sqle);

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Import OAF Personalization

OAF provides 2 java program to import any personalization. This is equivalent to FNDLOAD command in oracle apps to handle any LDT Files.These java programs used to import XML and JPX files.

XML Files >> OAF personalization can be retrieve as XML files 
JPX Files >> Substitution definition stored in JPX files. 

Use below command to import OAF personalization -
>java JpxFileName  DBConnection

>java  XmlFileName DBConnection -rootdir CustomPersonalizationFolder -rootPackage StandardPersonalizationFolder

  -username $APPS_USER -password  $APPS_USER_PASSWORD -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(


VO Extention

View Object Exception -
VO extension is very useful, when need to add a new item to a region. Extend the VO and include the respective column in sql statement. Below are the steps need to follow in order to extend any VO.

1) Go to About This page and check the VO name being used for that region
2) FTP to JAVA_TOP to download the VO and dependent files.
3) De compile the class files and generate the source code
4) Create the same file structure in my projects under Jdeveloper folder
5) Create a new View Object in same structure under your custom path
6)  Include the new column in SQL query  and finish
7) Open the project properties and click on BC4J component
8) Select substitution and choose standard view as source and custom extended view as substitute
9) Project_Name.jpx file will be generated in myprojects
10) FTP back new extended view and subsequent class files to correct location on server
11) Also place the server.xml file
12) Run the JPXimporter
13) Go to Application and personalize the region
14) Create new item with viewSource = Standard VO Name and viewAttribute= newly added column name

Example -
Requirement – Introduce a new column in My Requisition Table Region to display the Item number in comma separated concatenated format  This can be achieved by extending underlying VO, Below are the steps.

Write a program unit to get required values. Input parameter must be in existing VO columns.


         CURSOR cur_item_desc(p_segment1 IN VARCHAR2) IS
         SELECT NVL(item_description,'Sandeep') item_desc
         FROM po_requisition_lines_all a,po_requisition_headers_all b
         WHERE a.requisition_header_id = b.requisition_header_id
         AND b.segment1=p_segment1;

         CURSOR cur_item_number(p_description IN VARCHAR2) IS
         SELECT DISTINCT NVL(segment1, 'Sandeep') itemNumber
         FROM mtl_system_items_b
         WHERE UPPER (description) = UPPER (p_description);

           p_item_number VARCHAR2 (100) := null;
        FOR c1 in cur_item_desc(param)
                   dbms_output.put_line('Outer Loop>>'||c1.item_desc);
                    FOR c2 in cur_item_number(c1.item_desc)
                               dbms_output.put_line('Inner Loop >>'||c2.itemNumber);
                               IF c2.itemNumber<>'Sandeep' THEN
                                    IF p_item_number IS NULL THEN
                                              p_item_number := p_item_number ||c2.itemNumber ; 
                                              p_item_number := p_item_number||','|| c2.itemNumber ;
                                    END IF;
                                    p_item_number := p_item_number ||',' ;
                               END IF;
                      END LOOP;
             END LOOP;

        RETURN p_item_number;
             DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error');
             RETURN 'Sandeep NULL';

Check the VO name required to be extended.Click on About This Page

VO being used for these beans values is MyReqsGlanceVO

Check the full path in Business Component References Details



FTP VO and respective VOImpl and VORowImpl class files. Create a similar package structure in JDev myprojects forlder and place the all files and create a new view object.

Modify the SQL and include custom column

 Some time you may encounter below error message . To avoid it keep sql query as original and press next till last page. Then come back to SQL page and do the your changes and then press next. It won’t come again.

Press next till reach below page and click the checkbox Generate Java file for ViewRowClass and finish.

This will generate VOImpl and VORowImpl java files also. Now open the Project Properties.

Business Components  >> Substitutions >> Available ( Choose the standard VO ) >> Substitute (Pick the extended VO).

If this is new substitution, ADD button will be enabled else UPDATE.

This will generate a OAProject10.jpx and server.xml files. FTP all files at server and run JPX importer to upload the import.

Now Go to Application

Click on Personalize “This Table display a list…..” link

Click create Item icon for Advanced Table

Give the ID Name and Apply – It will create a new column in Advanced Table

Now click new Item icon for TestColumn – It will create a new item for that column. Also create a new item in columnHeader and give a prompt there, to display the column title.

Select the Item style and give the name of item.View Instance hold the name of standard VO and view attribute is custom column name included by us.

Now return to application
New column ColumnHeader holding Item number appears.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

OAF Page Customization

First the basic difference between personalization and customization !
Personalization is oracle provided flexibility to change standard behavior as personal need. using personalization we do not require to write any custom code.while Customization is process to write custom code to fulfill our need.

Below are the 3 basic components of OAF pages.
1) View Object (VO) ,
2) Controler (CO) and
3) Application Module (AM)  , components in  MVC architecture.    

in OAF Customization we need to write custom code for any of the above 3 based on the requirement.

Now checkout the existing CO or AM name (From About this page at the left below of each html page) and download the class file then ftp to your local system.

(assume is standard file)

use any decompiler and get the source java code and follow below steps -
1) Rename the standard CO/AM ( with custom name
2) extend the standard CO/AM
3) import the standard package
4) define constructor for the custom program
5) define the package name (location where code resides)

import oracle.apps.pos,; extends;

6) Write code in processRequest (if customization need to be invoked on page display) or in processFormRequest (if customization required on any event on the page).
7)FTP the new java code and compile using javac
8)Place the class file at (package defined at top of CO)

CO -:
a) Click on personalization link
b) Click on pencil button against page layout property
c) Give the new controller name along with package name at the desired level 
d) Tab out and apply

Oracle does not provide option to extend the VO and AM using personalization.Though there is concept of SUBSTITUTION which is being used to extend the standard VO and AM.
You can use JDeveloper to generate the substitution and then import substitution using  jpximport .