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Showing posts with label EBS - AOL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EBS - AOL. Show all posts
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Additional Parameter Operating Unit in R12
You must have observed additional parameter (Operating Unit) option while running the concurrent program in R12. It's due to MOAC feature to run the program for selective OU only.
This additional parameter is controlled from System Administrator responsibility Self service version.
This post is to help how to pass value to this parameter if we are triggering such programs from database.
l_request_id NUMBER;
dbms_output.put_line('OAL - START::');
-- This is required to set the value for additional Operating Unit Parameter
l_request_id :=
fnd_request.submit_request( 'APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME' ,'CPSHORTNAME' ,NULL ,NULL ,TRUE,Arg1,Arg2......);
dbms_output.put_line('OAL - END::'|| l_request_id );
dbms_output.put_line('OAL - Exception ::'||SQLERRM);
This additional parameter is controlled from System Administrator responsibility Self service version.
This post is to help how to pass value to this parameter if we are triggering such programs from database.
l_request_id NUMBER;
dbms_output.put_line('OAL - START::');
-- This is required to set the value for additional Operating Unit Parameter
l_request_id :=
fnd_request.submit_request( 'APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME' ,'CPSHORTNAME' ,NULL ,NULL ,TRUE,Arg1,Arg2......);
dbms_output.put_line('OAL - END::'|| l_request_id );
dbms_output.put_line('OAL - Exception ::'||SQLERRM);
Sydney NSW, Australia
Monday, June 30, 2014
How to add LOV field on OAF page without OAF customizations
Adding LOV field on OAF page, requires creation of many OAF objects. Those not having much exposure on OAF can use below to achieve same –
- Check if any DFF is available on the page and can be reused by adding the new segments
- Adding value set to any segment will display LOV on segment on OAF pages
- If no DFF available, create custom DFF using respective table
- Assign the value set to the segment will fulfill the need.
This is simple and easily maintainable as LOV data will be fully controlled by your value set used.
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Thursday, June 26, 2014
How to create custom DFF
Mostly we use standard DFF by adding more context and segment combination. This will be very useful when we don’t have standard DFF enable and need to store some additional details.
Oracle provides option to create custom DFF –
Login to EBS >>Application Developer (R) >> Flexfield >>Descriptive >> Register
Application – Oracle IProcurement
Title – Sandeep
Table Application – Oracle IProcurement
Structure Column – Attribute15 (This should be attribute category. Taken attribute15 as no category was available on selected table)
Description –
Context Prompt – TestSandeep
DFF View Name – SANDEEP_DFV (Name should be ending with _DFV)
Sandeep DFF on table POR_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES has been created successfully.
Flexfield >>Descriptive >> Segment >> select segment and create attribute as standard DFF
Now we can use this DFF at any page. In case any LOV is required define the segment and add the value set with attribute.
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Make Dependent VS Enterable Without Passing Parent VS
While creating dependent value set in EBS, we found dependent (child) field is greyed (disabled) at beginning until parent field gets some value.
Requirement is to enable child field from beginning even though parent field does not have any value passed.
Supplier site is dependent on supplier and hence is disable initially and get enabled once supplier name will have value.
Above will be achieved by adding below in where condition –
Vendor_id = :$FLEX$.Supplier_test
Solution dependent VS can be enabled since beginning by modifying the above WHERE condition as below –
Vendor_id = :$FLEX$.Supplier_test:NULL
This will enable site value set.
From : Dixidha
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
More than 2 column values in LOV
To enable LOV on a parameter, a Table value set is associated with parameter field. While running LOV displays Value and Meaning values in LOV window.
Requirement is to add extra additional fields in LOV.
Fox example if we have supplier site LOV along with site code and site name, supplier name will add extra advantage to pick the right site if we have same name sites available.
Solution is additional columns option available on value set definition form.
Column_name1 “Alias” (*),Column_name2 “Alias” (*),….
Craeted VS supplier site and added below in additional columns
segment1 “VendorName”(*),vendor_id ”Vendor_id”(*)
Supplier LOV shows vendor name, vendor number and vendor id.
From : Dixidha
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Value for the Flexfield Segment does not Exist in the Value Set
Defining a value set on any DFF will disallow to search records having non eligible (out of value set range) segment values.
A good example of this is to create a DFF of segment project task name. Initially associate a value set of Table type which shows all tasks from pa_tasks_all.
We create some records using assigned DFF. After sometime update value set definition to restrict disabled/end dated tasks.
Now search for records which has been created earlier and having disabled tasks assigned. Oracle form will throw below error message –
Approach – Try restricting the validation query while search.
Solution – We faced similar issue and did below steps to overcome issue –
1) Created a profile (XXXXX_SANDEEP_PRF) and set value as N
2) Updated the value set query as
Current condition –
WHERE sysdate between start_date and nvl(completion_date,sysdate)
Updated Condition –
WHERE (sysdate between start_date and nvl(completion_date,sysdate))
4) Set the profile value =Y, when in Edit mode. This will fail the second condition and only first
condition will be valid and so only active task will appear in LOV.
Set the profile value = N when in search mode. First condition will be failed since task is
end dated but profile condition will pass and so record will appear without error.
5) Did not try this in same form. We have created 2 form functions ( Entry (profile Y) and
Enquiry (profile N) mode)
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Change the profile value at run time in Core Forms
We have one custom profile which value is set at different levels. Need is to change the value while working on core forms.
This can be achieved using form personalization. Form personalization has 4 different actions type.
1) Property
2) Message
3) Builtin
4) Menu
Builtin provides capability to change the profile value during run time in cache.
This will change the profile value in cache during run time J
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Saturday, June 15, 2013
FNDLOAD for Audit Configurations
Below is the LCT file and syntex to download the LDT version of oracle Audit configurations
File Name - affaudit.lct
File Name - affaudit.lct
apps/$apps_Pwd 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/affaudit.lct
$file_Name.ldt FND_AUDIT_GROUPS GROUP_NAME="$Group_Name"
Saturday, April 6, 2013
How to restrict LOV data in EBS
Requirement is to restrict some data from LOV available on OAF pages or Core Forms.
If LOV is available at Core forms, it’s difficult to restrict data as core form personalization does not support this level restriction.
If we are at OAF page view extension (OAF customization) is the option to restrict LOV data. In next lines we shall discuss an easy method to restrict data in LOV for both Core forms and OAF pages.
How to achieve this?
It’s quite easier to restrict LOV data using Oracle provided data restriction method. Oracle recommends VPD for data restriction, which can be a better approach over OAF customization.
This can be useful for core forms as well.
Use below steps to implement this –
>Find out the source for LOV data –
OAF Page – Go to about this page >> Find associated VO >> Check the underlying SQL
>> Find the table/view having actual data >> Use VPD to restrict the data on source table/view
Core Form – Get the fmb file (from AU_TOP) and open in form builder >> Find the associated LOV >> Find Attached Data Source
>> Find the table/view having actual data >> Use VPD to restrict the data on source table/view
Use of VPD over OAF customization will be easy to maintain and deploy to higher instances.
Restrict Create Order options on order (Buyer work center) page:
Create LOV has 2 options 1) SPO and 2) CSPO >> we need to exclude SPO option
Find the source for LOV data and got that source table is PO_DOC_STYLE_LINES_TL
Created function to restrict SPO on the source table
![]() |
Add this function to policy.
Go to application and check the create option –
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Sunday, March 3, 2013
FNDLOAD+ is extended (customized) standard FNDLOAD utility to upload LDT files.
How to use -
- Login to server
- Go to any directory (/staging/Sandeep)
- Place all your LDT files
User Inputs -
FNDLOAD+ will ask for Apps DB password
[Unix server sandeep] $ FNDLOAD+
What is + in this?
- Not required to use complete FNDLOAD syntax
- Not required to know the LCT file name for upload
- Single run is required to upload all LDT files available in current dir
How to get FNDLOAD+ available in my environments –
- Check the $PATH variable (echo $PATH)
- Go to any of the defined dir (cd ….)
- Create file Sandeep.sh
- Create FNDLOAD+ (cp Sandeep.sh FNDLOAD+)
***** Only to UPLOAD ldt files*************
Saturday, March 2, 2013
UPLOAD LDT Files using shell script
Requirement is to migrate the configuration files (LDTs) across environments.
Resolution - FNDLOAD is Oracle provided utility to achieve this by passing certain inputs. The required inputs are
1) DB credentials
2) Respective LCT name
This is very commonly and frequently used utility in EBD development.
Through this post we are sharing a shell script which can exclude LCT name parameter knowledge for LDT migration.
# !/bin/sh
echo "Enter APPS password : "
stty -echo
read v_apps_schema
stty echo
for file in `ls *.ldt`
v_ext=`echo | cut -d "." -f2`
v_lct=`grep "patch/115/import/" $file | cut -d "@" -f2`
echo "File Name :$file"
echo "Control File :$v_lct"
FNDLOAD apps/$v_apps_schema 0 Y UPLOAD @$v_lct $file
if [ $? != 0 ];then
echo "ERROR - Failed while uploading $file"
echo "Uploaded $file successfully "
- Copy the above script and save this as Sandeep.sh
- $Dos2unix Sandeep.sh
- Place the source LDT files and Sandeep.sh
- $sh Sandeep.sh
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
How to get JDBC Connection details
In EBS JDBC connection are required while migrating XML files to other environments. XML files are source for XML publisher reports and OAF personalization.
Like FNDLOAD Oracle has provided JPXimporter and XDOloder java utilities to inport XML data into standard database tables. Java utilities require JDBC connection in order to execute and hence below are 2 methods to get JDBC connection.
Method 1 > Using Database
Oralce Functions
Host Name/IP Address
Hard Code
Method 2 > Using context files
Server has context file to store all context details. One can connect to server and extract the jdbc connection string using unix command.
lv_contxtfile=`echo $CONTEXT_FILE`
echo "CONTEXT_FILE : $lv_contxtfile"
lv_jdbc=`grep '</jdbc_url>' $lv_contxtfile | cut -d "@" -f2 | cut -d "<" -f1`
echo "JDBC COnnection String : $lv_jdbc"
o Echo $CONTEXT_FILE will list the context file name with full path
o Grep will search string “</jdbc_url>” in context file and returned line will be cut from literal “@”. –f2 will return the right side portion from “@”.
o Which will be cut further with literal “<” and -f1 will return the left side portion now.
o The final output should be complete JDBC_STRING, which can be used.
** Thanks to my colleagues Srini & Manish for above info **
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Excel Output Without XML publisher
Requirement– There are limited formats available to view Concurrent Program output. XML is one format which is not available.
Available Options – XML publisher is one frequently used solution, which has capability to display output in PDF, EXCEL and RTF formats. EXCEL file generated using xml processing is having more size compare to actuals.
Solution – This post is to discuss another way to generate output file in EXCEL format without using XML publisher. A small setup change is required.
- Create a concurrent program having PL/SQL as executable
- Select the output type as any available option (ex - PCI)
- Print the output using FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,’Output Message’);
- Run the concurrent program
- Select Tool>>Copy option to see the output
Limitation – To view multi column format, use a separator during output print. Once output is opened in excel use excel options to display multi column view by using used separator.
Bangalore -India
Monday, August 6, 2012
Emailing Concurrent Program Output
Requirement – It is very common that business request to share concurrent program output file on every run.
Resolution – There are multiple options available to notify the output via email. Some of those are as below -
- - PL/SQL program unit to send the output file
- - Unix commands to send the output file
- - Email bursting concepts, if it is XML publisher report
Each program requires, additional effort/custom programs to achieve the emailing feature. In this post we shall learn the options already available in system. Which need small configuration change and CP will send the o/p as email.
Steps :-
1) Configuration Change – 2 profile needs to be set.
· FND: SMTP Host >> This to store the smtp server host details
· FND: SMTP Host >> This to store the smtp server port details
2) While submitting the CP, click the Delivery Opts (B)
3) Go to Email tab
4) Provide the To/From email address and Subject line, then press OK (B)
5) Submit/Schedule the program
Email bursting should be better approach, if we are working with XML publisher report.
Program will send the output file to specified email address. Program log file can be referenced in case any issue occurred.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
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